Guidance is a fundamental part of life at Thomas Tallis because it is child focussed: it enables everyone to understand themselves in a meaningful, honest and optimistic way and it empowers them to be independent, persistent and kind human beings in the choices they make for themselves and in the way they interact with others as part of their local and wider community. At the heart of Thomas Tallis School is the students. We want to provide them with education to understand the world and change it for the better. Guidance enables them to change their own life, and the world, for the better. This is taught across year 7-13 by the tutors for one hour a fortnight in a dedicated lesson, as well as through assemblies, registration activities and whole school Community Days.
Guidance at Thomas Tallis encompasses the following:
PSHCE: Personal, Social, Cultural & Health Education)Includes Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Note: some of the content is delivered by the RE department, Personal Safety, Digital Literacy and e-Safety, Drugs and Alcohol Awareness, Mental Health and Safeguarding.
CitizenshipIncludes Rights & Responsibilities, Identity & Diversity, Personal Safety, the Law, Democracy & Justice, Politics and Fundamental British Values. This is also taught through Tallis Character, Democracy Week, Mock Trials, Mock Elections and Student Voice.
SMSC: Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural ProvisionDeveloped through all faculty areas in their individual curricular and extra-curricular opportunities. Much of what students learn through PSHE will cover aspects of their SMSC provision. Every week students think about Ways to Change the World, reflecting on a sequence of secular, religious and cultural events.
Student VoiceDeveloped through all subject areas, but also through Student Activists, Jury Service, Mock Elections and a range of public speaking opportunities.
CEIAG and Work Inspiration |
Community DaysThree across the academic year, dedicated to PSHE and Citizenship issues. They are an opportunity for the community to learn together in different ways. These days enable students to focus on personal development, their role as a citizen, and their collective student voice. Community Days are one way for us to spotlight our commitment to developing Tallis Character.
How to support PSHCE at home
Student Voice FAQs |
Here are some PSHCE related questions that students have identified. The PSHCE curriculum addresses these questions. Please feel free to talk to your children about these issues. The recommended websites above can support your conversations.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11