Every member of our community is important to us at Tallis. In this big school we want to praise young people who build up our common life with their energy and commitment. We have a system of recognition which helps us do this:
- academic achievement
- showing a positive attitude to learning
- displaying the Tallis Habits
- displaying Tallis Character
- excellent effort
- attending extra sessions
- using online resources
- contributing to extracurricular and community activities
Reward points & comments
All students can be proud of their reward points and comments, sharing these with their parents through our software ‘Insight’. We hope to be able to have summaries of these to share in parental and tutor meetings. We believe that recognising purposeful effort is the most important kind of reward.
Postcards home
Formal recognition when you are trying hard is important for everyone. Students receive postcards when they reach a certain amount of reward points across the year; a tutor postcard for reaching the first level of rewards, a head of year postcard for the next level and then finally a letter of special recognition from the deputy/head teacher for reaching the highest level of reward points.
We believe it is important to celebrate effort and achievement. The most rewarded student in the form each term will be invited to a formal celebratory lunch event with the headteacher and head of year. They will also be accompanied by one student from each form, nominated by their tutor, for making the most improvement that term.
Year group prize giving
At the end of year, awards will be presented for a number of key achievements: the form with the most collective rewards; individuals who have received the most rewards; and the students who have made the most progress. This will be part of a larger celebration of the year that acts as a ‘rite of passage’ for students as they move onwards and upwards!