The Key Stage 3 Curriculum
The 3 year Key Stage 3 (KS3) Curriculum comprises the core subjects of English,
Maths and Science and the following foundation subjects: Humanities (History and Geography), Languages, Design Technology, Computer Science, Art, Music, Drama, Dance, PE and PSHCE and aims to give students a flying start to their time at Tallis. Our Tallis Habits of Mind are central to the schemes of work in year 7, 8 and 9. We aim to help students develop as self-motivated learners with habits that will serve them well throughout their lives. The time allocation for each subject in Year 7 is as follows:
Students study Geography, History and French and Spanish during Year 7, 8 and 9.
In Design Technology students follow a rotation model allowing the access to the different subjects offered, namely Product Design, Graphics, Food Technology and Computer Aided Design (CAD) Art, Music, Drama and Dance: These subjects are taught throughout the year. Computing: All students are taught Computing in Years 7, 8 and 9 as a separate subject for an hour a week. Students will learn a range of knowledge and skills including computer systems, data structures, algorithms, programming, networks and communications systems in the modern world, using the latest technology and the Internet. They will develop and apply their analytic, problem solving and computational thinking creativity. They will also explore important elements of how to make use of ICT safely and responsibly and get the chance to develop digital media to share and communicate their learning with a wider audience. They will become digitally literate - able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. PSHCE: PSHE, careers and work related learning, citizenship and SMSC education are taught through one hour of tutorial time per week, the assembly programme and across the schemes of work of all subject areas. RE is taught as a distinct subject within the humanities curriculum. |
Accessibility: The KS3 Curriculum is common to all students.
At Tallis we believe that the cornerstones ensuring equal opportunities are excellence and justice for all. Excellence means that the academic, cultural and community life of a school guarantees that children of all abilities and backgrounds are respected, loved, nurtured and empowered to fulfil potential and reach beyond the circumstances of birth.
Justice demands that children educated by the state should have fair access to shaping the future so that all the doors in the world are open to them when they leave us.
Excellent and imaginative teaching in a strong and happy community makes this possible. Extra-curricular activities give us more space for creativity.